Rail property acquisitions: bonding limit increased [Sec. 636]
Act 9
Railroad crossing gates in Stevens Point and Fall River: funding for [Sec. 346m, q, 9150 (9g)] [9150 (9g) — partial veto] -
Act 9
Railroads commissioner budget requests: submission to DOT secretary [Sec. 13m, 2308rm, 9341 (1m)]
Act 9
Richard I. Bong air museum: grant to the city of Superior [Sec. 9150 (2)] -
Act 9
Scenic byways program created [Sec. 349-351, 1820] -
Act 9
Sidewalks in Wisconsin Rapids: DOT to install along STH 54 [Sec. 9150 (8g)] -
Act 9
Special group vehicle plates: rebasing every 6 years required [Sec. 2721-2726, 2727, 2728, 2734b] [2721, 2724 — partial veto] -
Act 9
Specialized transportation assistance: amount of aid revised; appropriation made continuing [Sec. 344, 1850-1852]
Act 9
State patrol vehicle strobe lighting equipment [Sec. 9150 (1p)]
Act 9
Stewardship 2000: funding of Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship program; land acquisition and protection; local grants; signage; JCF review; report on land prices; bluff protection; land acquisition in the Baraboo Hills; USH12 construction; funding re Milwaukee lakeshore state park, Sheboygan riverfront park, Rib mountain state park and Rock river recreational corridor [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Natural resource"] -
Act 9
STH addition: study re Tolles Road in Rock county [Sec. 9150 (7g)] [vetoed] -
STH 32 intersection in south Milwaukee: DOT to install traffic signals [Sec. 9150 (10t)] -
Act 9
STH 35 and STH 70 in the village of Siren: traffic signal installation by DOT [Sec. 9150 (10x)] -
Act 9
STH 59 in Waukesha county: reconstruction of [Sec. 1819d, e] -
Act 9
Storm water regulation costs [Sec. 9150 (10c)] -
Act 9
Supplements for unbudgeted compensation: entitlement to [Sec. 9150 (2c)] -
Act 9
Sustainable urban development zone program created; brownfield provisions; pilot program for certain cities; transportation planning [Sec. 332e, m, 1684d, 1709c, 1719g, m, 1722bd, 1740c, 1743d, 1747m, 1748bm, 1749k, 1756h, 1760q, 2649h, 9150 (3v), 9343 (22c)] [2649h — partial veto; all other sections (except 332e) vetoed] -
Act 9
Traffic control signals at certain intersection in St. Croix Falls: DOT to install [Sec. 9150 (7f)] -
Act 9
Transportation enhancement activity and surface transportation discretionary grants: DOT may not approve until enactment of the budget act for the biennium [Sec. 1830gb, 1852f, gd, 9350 (4z)] [vetoed] -
Transportation project environmental protection: DOT/DNR cooperation expanded [Sec. 792] -
Act 9
Urban mass transit aid: revision re funding, tiers, formula and allocated cost bidding [Sec. 344m-345gr, 1834-1849gn, 9150 (2bm), 9350 (4md), (9)] [1834, 1847m, 1848, 1849d — partial veto] -
Act 9
USH 8 corridor study [Sec. 9150 (10f)] -
Act 9
USH 10 between Marshfield and Osseo: DOT to study potential improvements [Sec. 9150 (10e)] [partial veto]
Act 9
USH 51 intersection in Rock county: DOT to install traffic control signals [Sec. 9150 (10d)] -
Act 9
Vehicle operating privilege suspension or revocation and HTOs: effective dates and technical cleanups re 1997 WisAct 84 [Sec. 1854, 2750, 2751, 2816-2818, 3263, 9450 (1)]
Act 9
Major highway projects: provisions re evaluation and review of potential projects [Sec. 3jm, 1819c, 1830h, 9350 (2m)]
Act 9
College savings program and board created in Office of the state treasurer -
Act 44
College tuition prepayment program administration transferred from DOA to State treasurer [Sec. 52-62, 587, 718, 1686, 3101, 9101 (9)] -
Act 9
Business expansions on small wetlands in certain county: exemption from water quality standards; DNR limitation [Sec. 1579u, 1591k, 1876e, 2487x] -
Act 9
USH 10 between Marshfield and Osseo: DOT to study potential improvements [Sec. 9150 (10e)] [partial veto]
Act 9
Heritage trust program created re historic preservation grants; SHSW duties specified; legislative purpose and sunset [Sec. 247g, k, 628, 628b, 641m, 945m, 946m] [247g, 628, 628b, 641m, 946m — vetoed] -
Act 9
HIRSP changes re persons age 65, temporomandibular disorders, drugs for HIV treatment, medicare and deductible coverage; nonlapsible trust fund created; prescription drug coverage [Sec. 386b, 415g, 417c, 418c, 433d, 697d, 717d, 2255m-2278g, 9323 (4), (12z)] [2277t — partial veto; 2278g — vetoed] -
Act 9
Municipal household hazardous waste disposal program: DNR may not use funds in trust fund established re Eau Claire county circuit court case 97 CF 657 [Sec. 9136 (11m)] [vetoed]
Natural resources land endowment fund created [Sec. 309, 664, 698, 702, 703] -
Act 9
Trust fund loans: BCPL report re accounting and administrative actions to permit acceptance of advance payments [Sec. 9140 (1d)] -
Act 9
Federal workforce investment act conformity; functions of Governor's council on workforce excellence transferred to Council on workforce investment; adult and youth programs created; local boards established [Sec. 36r, 37g, 1220m, 1630m, 1637t, 1707t, v, 1741t, v, 1754t, v, 2005k-x, 2027d-x, 2029x, 2040d, 2996g, 2998p, 3191c, 9157 (2xt), 9457 (6xt), (6xu)] [9157 (2xt) — partial veto] -
Act 9
Nonresident individual income tax deductions: treatment of alimony and supplemental UC revised [Sec. 1684, 9343 (5)]
Act 9
UI law revisions -
Act 15
Nelson, Gaylord: service to the environment and the people of Wisconsin commended [AJR-62] - JR-17
Nuclear waste escrow fund established to accept fees until U.S. Department of energy fulfills obligation to dispose of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel -
Act 196
Electric utilities: nitrogen oxide emission reduction requirements re DNR and EPA; transmission company provisions
Act 75
Child care and development block grant funds: DWD to develop plan to maximize federal funding [Sec. 9157 (3mm)] [partial veto] -
Act 9
Family care benefit program created; long-term care redesigned; federal waiver and pilot projects; advisory council created in DHFS; federal waiver re alternative to family care; DHFS report, LAB audit; financial assessments made voluntary; denial of care prohibited for refusal to submit to assessment [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Health and family services, Department of — Supportive living and treatment"] -
Act 9
HIV clinical evaluation services: DHFS to request federal waiver [Sec. 1434] -
Act 9
MA purchase plan for certain eligible persons created; eligibility and cap provisions; state share of MA payments; DHFS to request federal waiver [Sec. 1041m, 1042, 1361, 1440, 9123 (2), 9223 (1w)] -
Act 9
Managed care for children in out-of-home care in Milwaukee county: DHFS to develop pilot program to address needs of; federal waiver provision [Sec. 9123 (13c)]
Act 9
Mental health and AODA demonstration projects; federal waiver provision [Sec. 1535-1538, 9123 (3)]
Act 9
Indian trust lands in TIF district: Governor's concurrence with U.S. Interior department determination restricted [Sec. 9158 (7x)] -
Act 9
Radioactive material, devices or items: licensing and other revisions [Sec. 428, 2302, 2441-2485, 2487, 2554, 2568, 2653, 9323 (9), (10), 9423 (10)] -
Act 9
I 39 interchange in Marathon county: DOT to request federal waiver [Sec. 1819rg] -
Act 9
Animal health laboratories transferred from DATCP to U.W. system; Veterinary diagnostic laboratory board created
Act 107
Debt contracting by the state and building program [Sec. 628m, 629e, 633p, r, 636d-t, 638b-r, 3261p]
Act 9
GPR position authority for U.W. system [Sec. 9154 (3t)] [partial veto] -
Act 9
Hazardous pollution prevention duities of DNR, Comm.Dept and U.W. system expanded to promote pollution prevention [Sec. 891, 2670-2680, 2965-2973] -
Act 9
Outdoor skills training: statewide coordinator for; DNR and U.W. to enter into agreement with national organization [Sec. 292m, 309e, 782m] -
Act 9
Tobacco control provisions re Tobacco control board, minority health, community health center grants and statewide control program; reports required [Sec. 30d, 250m, 294g, 432g, 457m, 698m, 717t, 2240r, 2400m, 2486g, 9123 (9k), 9158 (9c), (11mg)] [30d, 717t, 2400m, 2486g — partial veto; 9158 (11mg) — vetoed] -
Act 9
Tobacco research and use prevention: LAB audit of Medical college of Wisconsin and U.W. Center for tobacco research and intervention [Sec. 9131 (2g)] -
Act 9
U.W. achievements and contributions commended on its sesquicentennial [AJR-9] - JR-12
Wild cranes: U.W. and International crane foundation to study crop damage [Sec. 308k, L, 565m, 9136 (10m), 9436 (8m)]
Act 9
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